Thursday, February 5, 2015

Atlantic slave trade

The development of slavary 
5 points 
•agricultural economy 
•new world 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Human trafficking

The new abolitionism

5 points 👇

American Holocaust Discussion Questions

1. Describe Columbus's first impressions of the new land he "discovered" and the people who live there.
"Many islands filled with people without number " He thought that they weren't very civilized , but free, loving and kind.
 2. How did the Spanish treat the peoples they conquered? Please provide specific examples from the essay.
Not very kindly, they told the natives that they were taking their land , or reading their rights knowing that they could not understand them

3. How would you explain the treatment of the Indians? Was it all about greed for gold, land and other riches? Was it prejudice towards a supposedly inferior race? Or was it a combination of factors?
4. Explain the system that Columbus developed to encourage the natives to find gold and the punishment he inflicted if they failed.
5. What was the likely disease  that killed so many Native Americans when Columbus came back on his second voyage and established the town of Isabella?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Human trafficking

The new abolitionism

Theses statement 

The Atlantic slave trade

Capture and transport of slaves
5 points 
•the journey 
•slave trade
 Theses statement 

The Atlantic slave trade

Capture and transport of slaves
5 points

Theses statement 

Human trafficking


Theses statement 
A heightened social awareness of slavery could be more effective for historical reasons 

Human trafficking

Pattern Recognition

5points 👇

Theses Statement 

Human trafficking

The idea

5 points👇
•labor laws 
•crime issue 
•domestic servants 
•modern slavery
•human trafficking 

Theses Statement 
Peoples ideas of slavery are skewed due to thinking that sLavery is a thing of the past.

Human trafficking

The The Scale
5 points👇 
•slave population 

Theses statement 
There are an estimated 27 million slaves today, twice as many 350 years ago.