Thursday, March 5, 2015

Main Idea Log

The Roots of Modern science 
Few challenged the ancient thinkers and the church's scientific ideas/ beliefs until the scientific revolution.

The Medieval View  : Most scholars believed that the earth was in the center of the universe, the idea came from Aristotle- Greek philosopher of the 4th century B.C , and Ptolemy- Greek astronomer who expanded the theory in the second century A.D . Christianity taught that god place earth in the center of the universe.

New way of thinking
 in the mid-1500s, Feplew scholars published works that challenged previous views.The Scientific Revolution was a new way of thinking about the natural world. The invention of the printing press during this period helped spread challenging ideas more widely.
A Revolutionary Model of the Universe
During the Revolution scholars began to question the geocentric theory.

The Heliocentric Theory
Nicolaus Copernicus (Polish cleric and astronomer) after studying planetary movements for more than 25 years he concluded that the earth and other planets revolved around the sun.- heliocentric theory. Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe provide mathematical proof that Copernicus’s basic ideas were true.

Galileo's Discoveries
In 1610 Galileo published a book called Starry Messenger, describing his observations.
Galileo shattered Aristotle's Theory that the moon and stars were made of a pure, perfect substance, By saying that the moon had a rough, uneven surface.Galileo’s observations, as well as his laws of motion, also clearly supported the theories of Copernicus.

Conflict with the Church
Galileo's findings frightened both catholic and protestant leaders, they feared that if people believed that the church could be wrong then they would start to doubt other teachings.In 1616, the Catholic Church warned Galileo not to defend the ideas of Copernicus.Then, in 1632, he published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. the book clearly showed that Galileo supported the Copernican theory. Galileo lied and said that the ideas of Copernicus were false under the threat of torture. not until 1992 the catholic church officially acknowledged that Galileo had been right.

The Scientific Method
Over time a new approach to science began to develop called the Scientific Method.

The Scientific Revolution Spreads
More people are studying the secrets of nature on earth.

Scientific Instruments
First microscope was invented by Zacharias Janssen in 1590, Anton van Leeuwenhoek used a microscope and observed bacteria, and red blood cells.the mercury thermometer was invented as wa a barometer.

Medicine and the Human Body
 Andreas Vesalius proved Galen’s assumptions wrong. - he published his observations on human corpses in On the Structure of the Human Body (1543). Edward jenner found a vaccine to prevent smallpox.

Discoveries in Chemistry
boyles law .This law explains how the volume, temperature, and pressure of gas affect each other.
 Boyle challenged Aristotle’s idea that the physical world consisted of four elements—earth, air, fire, and water.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Atlantic slave trade

The development of slavary 
5 points 
•agricultural economy 
•new world 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Human trafficking

The new abolitionism

5 points 👇

American Holocaust Discussion Questions

1. Describe Columbus's first impressions of the new land he "discovered" and the people who live there.
"Many islands filled with people without number " He thought that they weren't very civilized , but free, loving and kind.
 2. How did the Spanish treat the peoples they conquered? Please provide specific examples from the essay.
Not very kindly, they told the natives that they were taking their land , or reading their rights knowing that they could not understand them

3. How would you explain the treatment of the Indians? Was it all about greed for gold, land and other riches? Was it prejudice towards a supposedly inferior race? Or was it a combination of factors?
4. Explain the system that Columbus developed to encourage the natives to find gold and the punishment he inflicted if they failed.
5. What was the likely disease  that killed so many Native Americans when Columbus came back on his second voyage and established the town of Isabella?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Human trafficking

The new abolitionism

Theses statement 

The Atlantic slave trade

Capture and transport of slaves
5 points 
•the journey 
•slave trade
 Theses statement 

The Atlantic slave trade

Capture and transport of slaves
5 points

Theses statement